A Healthy Liver for Healthy Weight Loss
Your liver is a powerhouse, with over 500 responsibilities that keep your body running.
Since your liver is such an overachiever, it’s no wonder that keeping this organ healthy is key for weight loss. Its effect on certain metabolic processes and hormones help to regulate your weight.
Not only is your liver an overachiever, it’s also a multitasker. It acts as a filter to remove toxins (like medications and alcohol) and nutrient byproducts such as ammonia from the blood; it aids in digestion by producing bile to help break down fats and absorb fat- and water-soluble vitamins and minerals; and it plays a part in regulating glucose, blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin, estrogen, testosterone, immunity, and blood cholesterol production and removal.
Since your liver works so hard, sometimes it needs a bit of extra care. An overworked and stressed liver can lead to toxin buildup, cause inflammation and can even cause fat to build up in your body.
Of course, this explains why liver cleanses and detox plans are such a popular topic in the health world. If you “unclog” and repair your liver, you’ll start shedding those excess pounds, or so the theory goes.
But don’t believe all the hype around "detoxes". You don't need to detoxify your body — it does it all on its own.
It’s well known that for weight loss plans to be effective in the long-term, they need to include a healthy, balanced diet, exercise, hydration and plenty of sleep.
Turns out they should also include a plan to rejuvenate your liver. Let’s talk some more about why…
Your liver in a nutshell
Well, truly, it’s hard to explore the liver “in a nutshell.” Your liver handles a lot of different things and you could honestly write a book about its many jobs and what it does for your body.
One of its key functions is to cleanse your body of toxins that you’ve inhaled or ingested. Filtering alcohol out of your body is another liver function that you are probably familiar with.
There are vitamins and minerals that your body could not use if it weren’t for your liver converting them into a usable form. Calcium is one of them.
Your liver is also responsible for ensuring a healthy metabolism. A thriving liver will help you maintain a healthy weight, while actively repairing your liver can result in weight loss.
Active.com reports that: "Most people don't think about liver health in terms of weight loss, but the liver is responsible for helping metabolize fat. It produces bile, which breaks down fat while also working like a filter to clean toxins out of our blood, helping us feel energized. Optimizing your liver health can help you lose weight and meet your athletic goals.”
But wait, if your liver is meant to metabolize fat, then why would you gain weight at all? What causes your liver to malfunction?
What's slowing down your liver?
What it comes down to is that the modern western diet and lifestyle are detrimental to your liver health.
Most people’s livers aren’t just processing whole foods and natural fats. Too many of the foods we eat contain synthetic additives, trans fats, sugars, artificial sweeteners and other non-food substances, which overwhelm your liver and cause the build-up of visceral fat — bad news for your overall health.
HealthShortcut.com explains in more detail: "Visceral fat is a bit different than the fat under your skin. It is not necessarily used by your body for energy and is therefore very difficult to get rid of through exercise and caloric restriction. All food that is absorbed through your stomach goes directly through your liver through the hepatic vein. Unfortunately, a lot of the food we consume today contains a lot of toxins in the form of preservatives, unnatural proteins, antitoxins and unhealthy fats. A lot of nutrition experts agree that this is the primary cause of the so-called ‘belly fat’ that your body stores in between your internal organs. This type of fat is the most dangerous, not only for your looks but also for your health. The best way to get rid of it is not through exercise, but by cleansing your liver."
This is why so many who start out on weight loss journeys, fail. Visceral fat is difficult to 'burn off' with exercise and a change in your diet, unless it’s the right kind of change, isn’t necessarily enough to make the difference.
Since the liver is going to be the key to eliminating this fat, you need to “diet” in a way that will directly benefit your liver.
Do your liver good
Many people who want to help their livers opt for a cleanse but most of the programs, products and plans out there don't do much good.
Is that to say there's no value in making an effort to support and repair your liver through your diet? No, of course not.
ExperienceLife.com explains the benefit: "Cleansing the liver helps it produce better, more efficient bile. That helps your body flush toxins and break down fat more effectively. It also makes more energy-giving nutrients available to your body and reduces strain on your digestive and immune systems. Your elimination improves, and your colon is relieved of unnecessary burdens. The net effect: You look and feel better, and it becomes far easier for you to achieve and maintain your ideal weight."
Sound like a mixed message? Let me explain.
You don’t need to buy into fancy cleanse programs. You also don’t need to fast excessively or drink disgusting concoctions that you can’t stand the taste of. That’s not what healthy cleansing should be about.
How can I 'cleanse' my liver?
When I talk about a healthy 'cleanse', I really just mean getting back to basics with your lifestyle and dietary habits.
To start with, eat clean. Buy organic foods whenever possible, because the fewer chemicals (pesticides and other toxins) you put into your body, the less work your liver will have to do.
Avoid sugar and processed foods — sugar and other sweeteners (even 'diet' ones... especially 'diet' ones) are toxic in their own way and any packaged food will contain sugar, salt and additives that can be difficult for your body to process.
It’s also recommended to cut back on salt. Salt can contribute to fluid retention, which in turn puts additional strain on the liver. Instead, garlic, rosemary and chicory can flavor dishes just as well and in turn, support liver functionality.
While we’ve mentioned that weight you’re struggling to shed may be tied to an overworked liver, making it difficult to shed by exercise alone, it’s still important to exercise on a regular basis. Exercising can help with your overall health and can help support your liver.
Also, it’s important to strive for balance. Eating too much meat or indulging in too many carbs can stress your liver, even if those foods may be healthy in moderation.
On top of aiming for variety in general, including liver-friendly foods in your diet that help it to function more efficiently is an excellent idea. Foods like apples, grapefruits, beets, avocados, garlic, turmeric and green leafy vegetables are easy to enjoy daily and will help support your liver in different ways.
To REALLY boost your liver health, try milk thistle oil
Another form of nutrition that does wonders for your liver is milk thistle oil.
First of all, consuming healthy fat like the stuff in milk thistle oil will help your body to absorb fat-soluble nutrients in the healthy foods you’re eating.
Second, milk thistle contains silymarin, which helps your liver repair itself by encouraging the growth of new cells, and its anti-inflammatory properties are a restorative to a stressed liver.
At NYRNaturalNews.com they explain that in addition to that it can: "help displace toxins that would otherwise bind to the liver as well as stimulating the liver to regenerate more quickly. It also acts as an antioxidant and helps to stabilize liver cell membranes.”
Looking for a good quality milk thistle oil to try? Perfect Press® Milk Thistle Oil, pressed from organic, non-GMO seeds using our Perfect Press technology is the best quality milk thistle oil available. Using Perfect Press means no heat, friction or oxidation. This means the nutritional properties of the seeds stay intact.
You need your liver to be at its best so that you can be too. This vital organ handles a great many things that keep your body ship-shape.
While many companies would have you believe that your best bet is an expensive liver cleanse, a back to basics plan of cleaning up your diet and lifestyle is really all you need.
If your liver is struggling, you’ve been overworking it. Give it a holiday, or better yet a permanent vacation, by making healthier choices.
Discover more about Perfect Press® Milk Thistle Oil today!
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