How Does Your Body Detox?
Detox. It’s one of those buzzwords you hear all the time.
There is no shortage of costly programs, pills, and supplements all intended to remove toxins from your body. This makes it seem like your body is defenceless against toxins; that they’re just piling up inside you. That simply isn’t true.
Your body has a natural — and very effective — detox system built right in.
Celebrate your skin
Your skin is your largest organ and a key player in your body’s detox system. Because your skin is in direct contact with your environment, its first function is to protect you from the elements and from toxins.
- It’s waterproof and elastic, keeping many toxins and pathogens from getting in.
- Simply washing your skin, especially your hands and face, can clear away toxins that wind up on its surface.
- You don’t need antibacterial soaps to do this. Regular soap and water are all you need.
Sweat carries toxins out of your body through your skin. Keeping your pores clean and free of creams, lotions, and makeup is important for allowing that transfer to happen. Dead skin cells can build up, causing pores to clog. Using a gentle exfoliant or a dry brush can help remove dead skin cells and stimulate circulation.
Avoid putting toxins directly on your skin — chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products can have long-term effects on your body. While your skin does a lot to protect you, some toxins can still enter your bloodstream.
Care for your cardiovascular system…
When you think cardiovascular, you probably think of your heart, but that’s only one part of the system. Your cardiovascular system includes your heart, blood, and blood vessels (veins, arteries, and capillaries). This system ensures that cells throughout your body are properly supplied with oxygen and that toxins and waste products are removed.
- Your arteries move oxygen-rich blood from your heart to your cells.
- Your veins take the deoxygenated blood back to your heart, carrying carbon dioxide, toxins, and waste products out of your tissues.
Poor diet and lack of physical activity can lead to plaque deposits in your arteries, preventing your blood from circulating properly. Eating heart-healthy foods and exercising can help keep your cardiovascular system in good shape.
Reward your respiratory system
When your blood carries carbon dioxide and other waste products from your tissues back to your heart, your heart then sends that blood to your lungs. There, carbon dioxide is pulled out of the blood and leaves your body when you exhale. Pollutants inhaled are also filtered by your lungs and leave your body with your breath.
Your lungs are spared some invaders because your mouth and nose filter out pollutants, dust, and germs. These first-line defences keep your detox system from being overwhelmed.
The particles that get past your mouth and nose are either dealt with by your digestive system (if swallowed) or your lungs (if inhaled).
Love your liver
Your liver performs over 500 vital tasks, including detoxifying your blood and producing biochemicals your body needs. It also regulates hormones and balances blood sugar levels.
Detoxing involves a two-step process:
- First Step: Your liver uses enzymes to break down fats and toxins, making them more water-soluble.
- Second Step: Your liver combines these partially broken-down toxins with sulphur or amino acids so they can be eliminated via bile or urine. provides a tidy explanation of how your liver detoxifies your body:
Sometimes your body is overloaded with toxins, and your liver can become overwhelmed. Eating a healthy diet, not drinking too much, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is usually enough.
If you need extra help, milk thistle oil supports healthy liver function and can help restore your liver after damage.
Just adding half a teaspoon of milk thistle oil to your regular routine can help to protect your liver and keep it functioning at its best. No detox plan required.
Be kind to your kidneys
Yep, there are two of them. They are each about the size of your fist and are shaped like a bean.
Your kidneys filter waste, excess fluid, and drugs from your system, releasing hormones that balance blood pressure, help create red blood cells, and allow your body to absorb calcium.
In a 24-hour period, your kidneys will filter and recirculate 200 quarts of fluid. Of those 200 quarts, only about two are excreted in the form of urine, taking with them the filtered toxins. The other 198 quarts are returned to your bloodstream.
Excessive exposure to toxins or drugs can damage nephrons, the tiny filters in your kidneys. Including kidney-friendly foods in your diet helps support your kidneys.
There are plenty of kidney-friendly foods you can include in your diet to help support your kidneys, and maintaining a healthy balance overall is definitely a smart move. Milk thistle oil, which is mostly known for its liver strengthening properties, is also known to help your kidneys. Just half a teaspoon a day will nourish your in-house detoxifiers.
Support your spleen
The spleen is an important part of your immune system. It doesn’t so much filter toxins — like pollutants or drugs — but rather protects the body against bacteria and pathogens that can cause infection.
If bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms are detected in your blood, your spleen produces special white blood cells to kill them off before they can harm you.
Your spleen also breaks down your old red blood cells, taking the still useful components (like iron, for example) and recycling them into new red blood cells.
Your spleen and your liver are on close personal terms, so if your liver is diseased or damaged, this can cause your spleen to become enlarged. Keep your liver healthy and your spleen too with pure, pristine milk thistle oil.
Have some courtesy for your colon
Your colon is also known as your large bowel or your large intestine. This is the final stop on the digestive railroad.
At the point when your digested food and other things that have entered your body reach the colon, there is really nothing left except for water, some minerals and the solid waste that your other digestive organs have been handing down one after another.
Your colon absorbs the water and the minerals and then pushes the waste out as poop. Bye-bye toxins.
Your body is an amazing machine that includes many specialised filters.
You really don’t need to detox or clean those filters (i.e. your organs).
That being said, when they are overwhelmed, you can do damage to your body that can be serious in the long-term.
Giving your natural detoxification system a bit of a break now and then by focusing on clean eating, hydration, exercise and rest may help you feel better if you’ve really been giving these organs a work-out.
You can support normal, healthy detox with diet and natural supplements, like Perfect Press® Milk Thistle Oil, your liver’s new best friend. It’s Perfectly Pressed and guaranteed to be fresh and potent. Milk thistle also has benefits for your cardiovascular system, your skin, your kidneys and your intestines.
Protect the hard-working organs that are working hard to protect you, with just half a teaspoon per day.
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