Magnesium for Oral Health
You know how important it is to take good care of your teeth and gums, right?
Magnesium is an important mineral for maintaining optimal oral health.
Keeping your mouth healthy is about so much more than brushing and flossing and visits to the dentist.
Remineralizing your teeth can help to strengthen the enamel and protect your mouth against infections and tooth decay. Magnesium can help you achieve this goal.
How magnesium helps protect your teeth…
Many people believe that calcium is the key nutrient for strong, healthy teeth. Calcium is definitely important, but magnesium may just be one step above it.
While it is acknowledged that more information and further studies are required to nail down all the ways in which magnesium benefits your oral health, maintains that: “a number of studies have now established that it is magnesium, not calcium, that forms the kind of hard enamel that resists decay. And no matter how much calcium you take, without magnesium only soft enamel can be formed. If too soft the enamel will lack sufficient resistance to the acids of decay.”
Some people, like Wellness Mama, even recommend using magnesium supplements on your teeth to help remineralize them: “while I was actively trying to heal teeth, I swished with both calcium and magnesium powders dissolved in water daily to help provide minerals and to keep the mouth alkaline.”
Magnesium chloride is said to be very good for oral health and it would also be absorbed well sublingually beneath the tongue. Several sprays of magnesium oil held in the mouth and under the tongue for several minutes is especially recommended for people with magnesium deficiencies, in conjunction with all of the other magnesium oil benefits topically.
Using magnesium as a mouthwash or applying it to your toothbrush to help clean your teeth has generated great results so far. There are definitely further studies required on this subject.
Before you try using magnesium sprays or rinses in your mouth, talk to your dentist or health care provider to make sure it’s right for you.
The great thing is, even if you don’t put the magnesium into your mouth, once it’s in your system it will benefit your teeth regardless.
The magnesium and calcium connection
The more calcium you get, the higher your magnesium requirement will be. This is because the two nutrients depend on each other. This is true for your whole body, not just your mouth. writes that: “Both calcium and magnesium are necessary for the healthy body—in proper balance to one another, as well as to other necessary minerals. Considered biochemical antagonists, one cannot act without eliciting the opposite reaction of the other. Yet calcium and magnesium must both be present in balanced amounts for either one to function normally in the body.”
Since most people make an effort to get calcium from milk, yogurt, cheese and other foods, it’s equally important that they get enough magnesium. The trouble is that getting enough magnesium from food alone is difficult, if not impossible to do.
Sources of magnesium
Most people are deficient in magnesium. This is a big problem when you consider that magnesium is responsible for over 700 functions in your body, including maintaining strong tooth enamel. So, how can you fight deficiency and make sure you’re getting enough of this vital mineral?
Great sources of magnesium include dark leafy vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, bananas, dried fruit and dark chocolate. These are all healthy food options that are pretty easy to include in your daily meals. But they aren’t enough.
You could plan your meals out to meet your recommended daily dose of magnesium but you’re still not likely to get enough into your system. There are a lot of different reasons for this. To learn more about why magnesium supplements are necessary, click here for our recent post.
So outside of food sources, how can you get magnesium?
There are definitely a wide variety of magnesium supplements available these days. It can be difficult to see through the marketing and understand what will work for your body.
Remember that it can be difficult for your body to absorb oral magnesium supplements. Pills and powders can be hard on your digestive system. They can upset your stomach and/or cause uncomfortable symptoms like diarrhoea.
You can benefit from Epsom salts, which many people enjoy using in the bath. The kind of magnesium found in Epsom salts is magnesium sulphate. It’s not ideal for resolving a magnesium deficiency because it’s too difficult for your body to absorb, and it is quickly excreted.
A quality topical magnesium supplement will contain magnesium chloride. This form provides optimal absorption and provides your body with all the benefits the master mineral has to offer.
Even better, look for a supplement that uses pharmaceutical grade magnesium chloride hexahydrate. Topical supplements of this quality are your best option, and the best of the best is EASE Magnesium spray.
Each spray of EASE delivers about 22 mg of top quality magnesium chloride hexahydrate. Your body absorbs it through your skin and gets it into your bloodstream in about 90 seconds. You can apply EASE all over your body, so the recommended 30-40 sprays you need per day are easy to use.
Click here to learn more about EASE and how it can help…
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