What is Marine Phytoplankton?


Marine phytoplankton...sounds fishy doesn’t it?

Well, to be fair, it kind of is, though it’s growing in popularity. It’s even been called, “a revolutionary superfood”.

A lot of people tend to think of all microscopic organisms as bacteria, though to be fair, most of us probably don’t give it a whole lot of thought at all. Marine phytoplankton are definitely not bacteria. Occasionally you might come across someone who recognizes the name from Animal Planet and some may even know of plankton as whale food, but it still flies under the radar for most people.

Phytoplankton has a role in the ecosystem that is seriously understated beyond just feeding the whales.

The Skinny on Plankton

The word plankton refers to any organism (plant or animal) that floats in the sea...in other words, they are moved around by the currents, they don't swim. There are multiple kinds of plankton (maybe you've heard the terms zooplankton or aeroplankton before), but phytoplankton are plants that obtain their energy through photosynthesis.

You may remember photosynthesis from grade school science where you probably learned that it's the process whereby plants convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into sugars. This process also creates oxygen as a by-product. Marine phytoplankton are single-celled and are also known as microalgae. They're usually found near the surface of the ocean (where the light can reach them).

Many members of the plankton group are planktonic only for a small portion of their lives, including many species of fish and other complex organisms. In other words, they start out as small floating creatures, but grow into larger ones that swim actively in the sea. Though we know these larger organisms better than their simpler peers, in many respects they play a far lesser role in the ecosystem.

As well as forming the base of all marine food chains, the different types of plankton play many different, very important roles. Perhaps the most important of these is the role played by phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is the source of over half of the photosynthesis that occurs on Earth. In fact, phytoplankton is responsible for making up to 90% of the Earth’s oxygen. That’s amazing!

NASA has even called marine phytoplankton the most important plant in the world. Marine phytoplankton actually makes up a quarter of all vegetation on Earth... just take a moment to consider the widespread impact of that! It's a vital food source for marine life, but it's also very important for humans. In addition to producing the air we breathe, it has recently become clear that phytoplankton has incredible nutritional value for us.

What have you done for me lately?

We have these organisms to thank for the oxygen that makes all life on Earth possible, but astonishingly, that's not all.

On top of that, marine phytoplankton truly is a superfood, maybe the most powerful superfood on Earth. This microalgae is an enzyme-active nutrition source, meaning that it contains enzymes that help your body break down other foods. Plus, it has every known mineral and all of the amino acids our bodies need to reach optimal health. It also contains hundreds of different carotenoids as well as potent phytochemicals that all work together synergistically, protecting your body and supporting its natural detoxification processes.

Marine phytoplankton can be mixed into a mineral solution to keep it fresh and raw. That liquid can then be taken directly or mixed into a cold drink. The other option is processing it into a powdered form that can then be mixed into juice or water, but the processing reduces many of the benefits.

These are just a few of the health benefits of marine phytoplankton supplementation:

  • cardiovascular system improvement
  • immune system support
  • enhancing brain function
  • promotion of a healthy inflammation response
  • improved cellular repair
  • antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties

Creatures like whales thrive on this stuff and you can too!

So if you’re asking yourself, if this superfood is so good for everyone and everything... How do I get my hands on it?

Well, here’s your answer.

Our very own Oceans Alive® is a blend of premium, raw marine phytoplankton in a purified trace mineral solution.

But then, you might be thinking...why would I want to ingest something from the ocean? Isn't the ocean full of pollution and bacteria? Well, we thought of that too! That's why we use a uniquely engineered photobioreactor (a sealed growing environment), with ultra-pure ocean water, pure carbon dioxide and natural sunlight to provide the exact conditions for growing pristine marine phytoplankton. It's like a closed off mini-ocean, without the pollution, toxins and bacteria of the real one. So you can get all the minerals and nutrients found in marine phytoplankton, without the worry.

This is the ideal way to enjoy this oceanic superfood and its many benefits!

Discover more and buy yours today!



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