Superdosing with Oceans Alive

The great thing about Oceans Alive is that it's a whole food supplement.

We typically recommend one dropperful a day for nutritional support, enhanced energy, improved mental focus and a whole host of other benefits.

Have you heard about 'superdosing'?

Our friend Jeanette Sousa, intuitive nutritionist and health enthusiast, recently made a video about superdosing with Steve Sanna, owner of Farmacia Organic Juice Bar in Toronto, Ontario.

Jeanette is a regular Oceans Alive user, as is Steve, and they wanted to get the word out about using Oceans Alive beyond the basics.

How to superdose

One dropper contains about 12-15 drops. If you take one dropperful a day, a 30 ml bottle will last you about a month.

A 'superdose' is considered to be 2, 3 or even 4 droppers full in one day!

CAUTION: Oceans Alive does have high magnesium content, because of the trace mineral solution that stabilizes the marine phytoplankton. Magnesium is essential for your health and many people are deficient, so usually this is a good thing.

Taking too much magnesium at once, however, can result in stomach upset and even diarrhea, so you should not attempt superdosing if you are new to Oceans Alive.

If you've never tried Oceans Alive, we encourage you to ease into it, starting with 10-15 drops for the first week or two.

As Jeanette points out in the video above, if you want to superdose, you basically double your daily dosage, taking 30 drops in one serving, or two droppers full. From there, you can even go higher if you really want to "blast off".

We don't recommend taking more than five droppers in one day.

Why Superdose?

Superdosing can have a few benefits. One is that it can help you to reach a higher level of health more quickly.

Debi Silber at talks about how marine phytoplankton can quickly benefit your body: "The single-cell, microscopic marine phytoplankton have proved beneficial for critically and chronically ill populations. While it may take weeks to months for medication usage, health benefits are obvious after only a few days of taking marine phytoplankton. The single-cell organism bypasses the liver and digestive system, enabling the body to heal itself much faster! Because marine phytoplankton is a single source of all raw materials necessary, in near perfect proportions, this unheard of healing rate is possible."

Imagine how much faster you might see results if you were taking double the dose of Oceans Alive. That is certainly a motivation for some of our enthusiastic clients who have seen benefits in their own health from taking Oceans Alive.

Superdosing for Energy

Probably the most common reason people superdose is for the energy boost.

Taking large amounts of Oceans Alive can significantly increase your energy levels and improve your mental clarity and focus. This is particularly appealing to people with extremely busy schedules or who work in fast-paced environments.

Athletes and other people who want to push their workouts to a new level can also benefit from superdosing. Once you're into an Oceans Alive routine, try taking a second dose right before you hit the gym.

What you will really love about superdosing for energy is that, unlike coffee or energy drinks, Oceans Alive won't make you feel jittery. All the energy, but with a steady, focused clarity that is tough to match. explains the energy-boosting effect that you get from marine phytoplankton. "Marine microalgae is abundant in compounds referred to as nucleotides, cellular energy units that act as "biological batteries" that recharge the cells. Because its small size particles are readily assimilated upon intake, rather than having to go through the process of digestion, these nucleotides go directly into the cells for a quick energy uplift."

As Jeanette and Steve point out, superdosing with Oceans Alive before exercise can really enhance your performance and stamina naturally.

Whether you take the baseline daily dose of one dropper, or you decide to take the leap and experiment with more, Oceans Alive will significantly improve your overall health.

You can take it right from the dropper, as Steve demonstrates, or you can add it to water, juice or a smoothie.

Build your health, boost your energy and improve your mental clarity. Get your Oceans Alive here.


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